Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Wife and Kids Shouldn't Read This

Well, I'm writing this on bberry while on the bus from Sederot to an Israeli Air Force Base. I've still got a lot of back posts to write (and will by tomorrow morn), but I had to post this.

Sederot is a town very close to the Gaza Strip that has taken the brunt of most of the rocket attacks from Hamas.

We went to an overlook to see Gaza City, The flowers are blooming, the birds were chirping, and you could hear gunfire from the Gaza Strip.

A woman who lived in a settlement in the Strip (Gaza, not Vegas) came and spoke very movingly to us. Her and her family left their home at the request of the govt -- in hopes of advancing peace.

The Palestinians had the Israelis bulldoze the houses so the Palestinians wouldn't fight over them. The shools, clinics were left, but go unused.

They live just 2.5 klicks from their old house, but in a caravan w no safe house. The govt hasn't moved them to a house as pledged four years ago, and their caravan park has come under attack.

They haven't moved to Tel Aviv or Jerusalem because that would be sueerendering to terrorism. She told a number of very moving stories about coming under rocket attack, including a family who suffered critical injuries in an attack.

In the old settlement, her next door neighbor's daughter was murdered by terrorists while on her first date.

I won't try and go in more depth, because I can't do it justice.

There is a reason nothing is easy here. The courage these people have is staggering -- many are descended from Holocaust survivors, and they had 60 years of war and terrorism.

The ability to build a nation and thrive under such circumstances is a testament to the character of the people of israel.

My life challenges -- not quite as deep! Right now my main concern is blackberry thumb from writing this post.

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