Monday, March 30, 2009

Shared Experiences, Different Points of View

Well, we're back in the States now, and have been for more than 24 hours. I still have a few more posts to write tonight -- Sabbath dinner, Masada, the Dead Sea, and a few more riffs.

However, before I write those, just a quick acknowledgement of appreciation to the AIEF folks, as well as my fellow attendees on the trip. This blog is written by me, and from my point of view of the trip. I couldn't try to capture everything we did, everything we laughed at, and (thankfully) everything Aaron and Tom King drank.

We all had shared (albeit slightly different) experiences, and we all took different things from the trip. We had different perspectives on what was said. This blog doesn't try to cover all points of view of the people on the trip (so don't worry, Tom King, no kumbaya moments going on here!)

Instead, this blog is an attempt for me to share my experiences with family and friends, and when I read it in the future, it will trigger other memories.

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