Saturday, March 28, 2009

This Isn't Good-Bye

Well, in real time, the trip is virtually over. After the last two days, in which we traveled from the Seat of Galilee in the North to Dead Sea in the South, we're back at the hotel -- and getting ready to head to Tel Aviv.

But, I've still got two days worth of travel to post about, as well as an additional Riffs. For my fellow travelers (and I mean that NOT in a 1950s Communist witch hunt kind of way), I'm going to ask them to provide a couple of paragraphs of thoughts each on the trip to add to the blog next week. There will also be more photos.

So, check back -- I'm going to write some on the plane and post on Sunday -- even though words can not begin to describe the wonder, amazement, history, beauty, and majesty of what we have seen and done in just the last 48 hours (Aaron and Tom King's late night exploits are not described by that last sentence).

I will hold my thanks and appreciation till a later blog, but I definitely have that sense of sadness that the trip is ending, and also the sense of eagerness to see my family again tomorrow, roughly 24 hours from now.

I write these travel blogs as an attempt to capture my impressions and memories for the future for myself and my family. As the trip comes to a calendar end, I do know what I've learned and observed here in Israel about a nation, its people, and the most complex situation in the world today will stay with me for a long time.

Oh yeah, and now I have to pack.

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