Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This Stinks.

Okay, lest you get the wrong impression, I stink. Not figuratively, but literally. I just got back from a run along the beaches of Tel Aviv. So, I worked up a sweat -- big deal. Well, the reason I'm riper than normal is that I ran in the same workout gear I wore yesterday (all Nike running gear, but I'm skeptical they'll sponsor me).

So, I was already ripe when I started this morning.

Anyhow, I make it point to run in great cities and along major bodies of water when I can. Jerusalem yesterday and the Mediterrean Sea just now hit both of those goals. Given we got to Tel Aviv as the sun literally sank into the Sea, it's hard to get a feel for the place, although we did walk back 20 minutes through the city to the hotel.

Comparisons are always dangerous, because they oversimplify, but what the heck -- it's a blog, so let's do it anyhow. Tel Aviv strikes me as more of a New York City (combined with the beaches of Miami), while the sport of Jerusalem is clearly politics (aka Washington, DC). Obviously, DC lacks the same few thousand years of history that Jerusalem has, but there also still a sense from Mt. Vernon to the Capitol Building, that it is a focal point of a nation's history.

Alright, enough of the stretched comparisons.

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