Thursday, April 10, 2014

Julia's Last Day In Cape Town

Dassies are angry dudes, even at the top
of some place as beautiful as Table Mtn.

Their closest living relatives are
the elephants.  I kid you not.

The foggy views still allowed for beautiful views.
Does it remind anyone of Ireland?

Turn around, yell, and get a good echo.

Enshrouded in fog.

Every so often views would appear.

Lion's Head

Robben Island from Signal Hill

The 12 Apostles

On Signal Hill

The MV Explorer from Signal Hill

The low yellow structure is the Castle
of Good Hope from Signal Hill

Cape Town

A clearer view of the 12 Apostles 

Luvuyo Mandela, Nelson's great grandson, 
gives a hopeful talk at the farewell reception
on board the MV Explorer.

A farewell to Julia

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