Saturday, April 12, 2014

When I'm Mobile. . .Toast and Tea

For our first stop with Selwyn, he took us to a local food market/tea room.  The market sold most local foods prepared by farmers.  We spent some time tasting South African beef jerky, called biltong.  The different varieties were excellent, and it was fun to watch some ground up right in front of us.  We’re not beef jerky fans, and biltong is definitely tastier.  

He showed us some other products, including the great looking bread.  It’s sold unsliced.  One funny part is that the bread is handled by, um, human hands.  We picked up the unwrapped fresh loaves with our hands, rather than having to use plastic.  While the germ-ophobes who frequent Whole Foods might not believe it, there is NOT a plague of South Africans dying from hand-touched bread.  (AIDS is a different story, but since George W. Bush did more work than anyone on that issue, it’s a story you won’t hear about – the success in bringing Africa back from that abyss.)

We then walked into the tea room, where we tried some Rooibos Tea, which is all the rage in South Africa.  Carol liked it, but I’m not a fan of tea or coffee.  It was better than most tea I’ve had, but still not my. . .cup of tea!

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