Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sabi Sabi Evening Drive -- Day Two

I know there are a lot of posts with photos in a row here, and not as many descriptive posts.  That's the result of the computer troubles, as I got far behind on posting photos.

So, here's more photos!

Warthogs may look ugly, but they taste worse.

Interestingly, the water monitor is not listed by
Wikipedia as being in Africa.  This one
would have to argue with that entry.

An afternoon drive thru the bush veld.  Justin
has the wheel, while Petro is in the scout chair.

My seat row companions.

Dwarf mongoose.  Shouldn't there be seven of them?

Cape buffalo -- and we bagged 80% of the Big Five

They spent most of their time eating.

Yes, he was really that close.

Sunset over the bush.

The gang from vehicle E2

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