Tuesday, April 1, 2014

More First Day Safari Photos

The back of the injured rhino.  Click on the photo
to enlarge, and you can see his wounds pretty easily.
The wounded part between his legs shows "he"
is definitely a "he!"

The front of the wounded rhino.  Yes, we WERE close!

Profile shot of a baby elephant on the first drive.

Impala on the run.  South Africans are amused
by the fact that there is an American car
named the "Impala."  It's by Chevy, so "car"
is an arguable description.

I could say this is a dramatic roar,
but that would be untrue.  Yawn.

But the cat was cool, and she
never said a mumbling word.

Lions insist on stretching before doing cardio.
Or going back to sleep -- either way.

Sundowner time!  Justin and Petro man the bar.

Julia (the pants aren't Zubaz, they are from India!) and
Carol chat with Claire and Dan.

Sunset, and our vehicle.

Group photo.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glen, I was going through and deleting (very)old emails and came upon one from you that had a link to your travel blog. Not sure why, but I'd never gone in and looked at your posts from the SAS parent trip to Sabi Sabi. Thoroughly enjoyed reading all your comments and was entertained by your comedic descriptions. Your puns remind me of my husband, ha! We didn't get to know each other very well on the safari trip as you all were encamped at Earth Lodge and my son Cobi and I were at Bush Lodge. Wishing you many more future adventures in your life! Be well.