Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Cienfuegos Photos -- Day One

Palacio de Valle

Your blogging hero, and Mrs. Blogger.

If you look at our Seville/Cordoba pictures
from this spring, the architecture here at
the Palace is a dead ringer.

Sculpture and motorbike.

After all, Cienfuegos IS the Pearl of the South.

To the left is the duomo of the Town Hall.  Yes,
it is modeled after the one in Florence.  To the
right are the two cathedral towers of
different heights.

More about this guy in a later post.

Palace Ferrer and part of Jose Marti Parque.

Our lunchtime musical trio.

The Cathedral.

The only triumphant arc
in Cuba, built in 1902.

Our traveling companions, the
famed Lucy and Charlie Cook.

Charlie was enamored with this
fellow, who was at the restaurant
to greet us.

A charming place for pre-dinner cocktails.

This pelican kept us company for a while.

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