Saturday, December 15, 2018

Wandering Around Havana

Street scene -- Aguacate

Young Frankenstein

When you have so many cannons, spares are
just lying around on the street. Stop
by San Ignacio Street to pick yours up.

Plaza de la Catedral

This mailbox is cooler than yours.

El Cristo de La Habana

The city seal -- three forts and
the key to the Caribbean

Turret across the bay on El Morro Castillo.

This is called "The Conversation."  
But I prefer to call it. . .


I'm not lion -- this fountain
in Plaza de San Francisco is cool. 

This is a photo of wedding photos in
Plaza de San Francisco.  To clarify, 
the young boy is NOT the groom.

Some of the beautiful buildings
benefiting from the UNESCO money.

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