Monday, December 17, 2018

In the Palacio de los Capitanes Generales

Wow -- we have one
of these at home too!
(Fact check: False!)

Any building with a courtyard and arches
is very cool, unless the arches are golden.

Not exactly the Stray Dog Strut.

One of the room at the Palace

These porcelain figures were viewed as god-like, and
visitors had to bow to them.  Hence the expression,
"bow to the porcelain god."  Wait a minute, Carol
needs to tell me something. . .oh, ignore that whole
story.  Apparently that's NOT where the expression
comes from.  Sorry.

The Spanish Queen's throne in Cuba.  She never
came to the New World, so it never got used.

Pretty cool.

This is the room where the end of
Spanish rule of Cuba was declared
back in 1899.

All four legs of the table
had a different carved dog.

Carol promises to paint our dining
room in a similar fashion.

Another view of the cool courtyard and arches.

Someone asked me archly, "Don't you have 
enough photos of arches?"  Actually, no
such thing as too many photos of arches.

Christopher Columbus,
looking like a boss.

Very cool Afro-Cuban style entertainment outside
of the Palace on the east side of Plaza de Armas.

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