Monday, December 17, 2018

Taking Our Minds, And Stomachs, Off Being Grifted

On our way to lunch at Terrazza Gourmet restaurant, we walked past the Capitolio, which was built with mob money and modeled after the US Capitol.  Alas, we still haven't made it there, so it will move to the top of the list next time we go!

We found our way to Terrazza, but not easily.  We walked past it twice, as there was no sign out front.  There were other restaurants, but when we walked in, they took us upstairs on an elevator (a rare thing in Cuba). 

Right on the third floor of at the top of the Paseo del Prado, it was yet another great restaurant in a cool setting.  Carol had the leg of lamb, while I had a skewer of grilled pork.  The lamb fell right off the bone, and the skewer is nearly the length of a Viking broadsword.  (Okay, I exaggerate a bit, but I sure did not get shorted.)  It was a good place to put our grifter troubles behind us.

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