Friday, December 14, 2018

Photos from the Ferrer Palace

Town Hall, from the 2nd Floor

The Bell Tower at the Cathedral, through
palm trees in Jose Marti Parque.

Rococo scroll work on a balcony.

Eva Peron or Mrs. Iron Tourist?

The Arc de Triomphe, Cuba-style.

Football in the park.  The bench was one of the goals.

Is this just a burned out bus, or a
metaphor for the Cuban government?

Remember, most buildings in Cuba are in bad shape.

An example of the beautiful design of the Palace.

A good look at both towers
of the Cathedral.

A view of the bay.  The long spit of
land that sticks out is Punta Gorda.

One of the few freighters we saw the whole trip.

The views from up top were
spectacular, if a little unsteady!

One last view of the Cathedral.

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