Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Rafts of Hippos, Impressive Birds

After driving along the lake, we turned back into the heart of the crater.  Here, the stars were also water, as several ponds dot the area, attracting more wildlife, particularly beautiful birds.

There was also a point where we saw about 20 safari vehicles pulled over on the side of a far away dirt road.  They were looking at a rhino.  In what was a funny moment, the four of us told Hassan we did not need to join that scrum, as we saw many, many rhinos in Lewa Conservancy.

Yellow-billed storks, with a massive
saddle-billed stork behind them.

The beaks on these storks are beautiful,
even if the storks themselves are a 
bit unsightly!

A raft of hippos in a large pond.

Hippos and caldera.

Our safari vehicle was green, but had the
same pop-up roof as this one.  Made
for a great photography platform.

Sacred ibis.

Coming in for a landing.  (I'm just
surprised I got a decent picture of a
bird flying!)


Four birds in flight!

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