Wednesday, October 4, 2023

My Fellow Travelers Weigh In

As I do when a trip includes more people than Carol and I, I like to ask my fellow travelers questions about their opinions of the trip, just to get other perspectives.  Meena hasn't had time to reply, but I can still add her thoughts.  Below are the questions with responses from Sanjiv, Carol, and I.

Top five animals

Carol: 1.lion - so beautiful, 2. cheetah - love the way it walks, 3. warthogs - fun to watch, especially the babies, 4.Giraffe - cool to watch, 5. Marabou stork - so unusual looking and the way it interacted with humans

Sanjiv: I am impartial to the big cats. Therefore, my top pics are number one the leopard number two the cheetah number three the male lion number four the rhinos, the black and white, and number five is a tie between the elephants and the giraffe. The reason the big cats are my favorite especially the leopard are they very elusive and difficult to spot. It has always been a hunt to find them when we do they do not disappoint. The rhinos, both the black and white are both extremely fascinating especially since wedid not see them in the first safari I did South Africa so they were special. Both the giraffe and the elephant are among the elegant animals as well, and both have their special traits. The intelligence of an elephant not only for its memory, but for his cunning methods of trying to get to the tree beyond the fences is impressive. 

Glen: Male lions, as we had seen lionesses in South Africa/2014.  Cheetahs (such an amazing walk).  The leopard (such an elusive animal), warthogs (so fun to watch), and then giraffes (so dignified).

Top 3 animal encounters

Sanjiv: For me again the top three animals will be number one the leopard number two the cheetah number three the male lion.

Carol: 1. Giraffe at Lewa - ate out of my hand.  2. Lion - that just popped up next to the land rover.  3. Marabou stork - the way it walked around the picnic area.

Glen: Giraffes at Lewa, especially Tito for eating out of our hands.  Very cool moments.  Then Momma warthog and her three babies.  Watching them run around, crashing into each other and having huge fun was a real treat.  The serval, as we struggled to keep an eye on it given how well camouflaged it was in the tall grasses.

Lodges Ranked

Carol: Lewa - loved the cottage and how close we could get to the animals.  Bateleur - nice cottage, great food. Neptune - nice cottage, close to the crater

Sanjiv: The lodges that I enjoyed in order is number one is the Sirikoi lodge at Lewa Conservancy 2) Bateleur Camp and last Neptune Ngorongoro. The reason for this order would be that Sirikoi had a fantastic backdrop from our bedroom which included fireplace not only in the bedrooms but also in the common area. Shear number of animals that would come in the area was impressive. Including the monkeys, the impalas, the zebras, the giraffe, and of course, at night time various other animals that can be heard, but not seen. In addition we had a bonus of having our own home giraffe, Tito that we got to feed with the help of Francis.

Glen: To me, the cottage at Sirikoi Lodge was fantastic.  The porch with views of so many animals, feeding Tito the giraffe, three fireplaces and a firepit, the beautiful dining area, and spending time talking with other guests and Matt the very personable manager.

Favorite areas

Sanjiv: The favorite area for me was Masai Mara followed by Lewa and then the crater. Masai Mara was my top pick because of the vast number of animals and the variety that were seen.

Carol: Lewa - saw everything, not a lot of hippos, Masai Mara - lots of everything, Crater - cool topography.

Glen: Oh, this is a tough one.  I loved the mountains, hills, watering holes, and deep valleys of Lewa the best.  The Mara River with the hippos and crocodiles was stunning on both of our visits to it.  Surrounded by the caldera and all the wildlife, especially at Lake Magadi, the crater deserves a mention too.

Favorite two activities

Carol: guided walk - to get out of the land rover and walk around was wonderful.  Hot air balloon ride - seeing the Masai Mara from above was very cool, to see the animals running around

Dr. Sanjiv: Top activities that were not game drives the hot air balloon and the walk in Lewa Conservancy. It was very informative especially that the hyena’s feces is white due to ingesting bones. That’s the orthopedics in me.

Glen: agree with both Carol and Sanjiv.

Guides, ranked

Sanjiv: The guides in order will be James followed by Robert and last was Hassan

Carol: Robert - has the most enthusiasm, James - very knowledgeable, Hassan - nice but basic

Glen: I hate to be a wimp, but I would say it's a tie at the top between James and Robert.  James for findings our first male lions in a spot difficult to see, and Robert for his good humor and outgoing personality.  

 Best food

Carol:  Bateleur, but really enjoyed Kenya night at Sirikoi

Sanjiv: For me, I enjoyed the Bateleur Lodge food because of the vegetarian option. Also, the flavor was more of the Indian style which I enjoy. The least favorite of the food was at Sirikoi but the backdrop certainly made up for that.

Glen: I would put Neptune first, with Bateleur a close second.  Sirikoi was a bit weaker, although Kenya night was the most fun dinner.

Last comments?

Carol: Go to Sirikoi - the conservancy had everything but crocs and a few hippos. So many rhinos, elephants, zebras,

Glen: Read the blog; I had plenty of comments!

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