Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Star Of N'gorongoro Crater

Upon reflection, it makes sense that the star of the crater is Lake Magadi.  Not surprisingly, the banks of the lake are chock full of animals.  

Flamingos are ever present.  Hassan, our guide for the day, told us they were greater flamingos.  A website says they are lesser flamingos, while another website had another name for them.

Regardless, there were many, many groupings of flamingos, also called a "flamboyance of flamingos."  Whoever came up with these different group names was awesome!

The name of the lake is the Masai word for "salty," as it is a shallow soda lake.  The dirt road runs alongside one side of the lake, and affords amazing viewing.  I'll let the pictures tell the story:

A confusion of wildebeests with a
flamboyance of flamingos behind them.

Back left: Cape Buffalo
Middle: Multiple Wildebeests
Back right: An impala.

Warthog in the foreground.
Don't miss the flamingos in back.

A solitary hippo with many flamingos.

Blacksmith plover.

Grey heron.

African spoonbill.

A better look at the spoon of the bill.

This hippo doesn't really need to work
on his blocking technique.  He's big
enough to trample an entire NFL
defensive line.

Definitely in the pink.

A classic blue heron pick.

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