Monday, October 2, 2023

Three Book Recommendations For Safari Reading

I'm sure there are quite a few more books worth reading, including "Out of Africa," but here's three I read and enjoyed before and on the trip.  In no particular order:

  • 101 Things To Know When You Go On Safari In Africa.  Author: Patrick Brakspear.  While there is a lot of information in this book on a variety of topics, by far my favorite part was the multiple pages of bite-sized details on nearly every animal you will see, and then some.  There's also helpful info on what to pack, a to do list before you go, what to expect on safari, and more.
  • Africa Bites: Scrapes and Escapes in the African Bush.  Author: Lloyd Camp.  Great stories from both his time as a guide and also his time as an explorer/climber.  Really well-written, this book (and the next) will have you excited for your safari.
  • Confessions Of An African Safari Guide.  Author: Lloyd Camp.  Same author as above.  None of the stories are the same as his Africa Bites book.  You'll laugh, you'll have to wipe your eyes.  Again, he is a fantastic writer and teller of stories.
I'm sure there are more, but these are three good ones to start with.  Since I read on my iPad Kindle app, it was very easy to go back to the 101 Things book and re-read about new (to me) animals we had just seen on safari.

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