Sunday, October 1, 2023

Stat Boy: Photos

In Africa, the blog has become a vehicle for posting photos.  The hardest part is picking the photos to leave out.  I took approximately 2100 photos (actually more, but I've deleted a bunch).  The hard part is going to be figuring out which photos to blow up for our basement walls, and also which ones don't make the cut for the three Shutterfly books that I will end up doing months for now.

For comparison, I just checked the number of photos from our three week trip to Spain earlier this year, and I took approximately 2160 -- but that was a three week trip, as opposed to a week-and-a-half!

So, curious, I checked Egypt and Jordan, which was approximately an 18 day -- 2,211 photos.  

Interesting numbers are always. . .interesting.

(Stat Boy was my nickname amongst the parents, and kids, of our summer swim team, the Mount Vernon Park Gators because I did a lot of cool stuff with stats.  I've long since retired from the role of Stat Boy, but every so often those tendencies come out!).

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