Thursday, August 16, 2007

Administering Last Riffs. . .

There are a lot fewer bugs here than we would have expected. Yes, there are plenty of beetles, moths, grasshoppers, some annoying black flies, and crickets, but we’ve not been bothered by mosquitos.

And, it appears that all dining in Costa Rica is in open air restaurants that are covered up top, but open all around to nature on all sides. It’s mostly al fresco, with protection from the rain. And we’ve not eaten dinner without rain.

It’s unusual for us not to rent a car, but we really didn’t need one here. There are enough busses – shuttles or public – that a car isn’t needed. No parking worries, and even fewer concerns about directions. And, given that it takes people four to seven hours to go from one place to another in this country on roads that make my old pick-up lines seem smooth, I’m glad we flew from place to place – even if the travel was an adventure in itself.

As someone noted to us, the towns are all the same when driving – a church, a soccer field, two bars, and a little place that’s essentially a general store.

The two activities I wish we had time for in Quepos is scuba diving – although we aren’t certified, it would have been fun to do the lesson and the beginner dives – and deep sea fishing (but only the half day trip). Some day we’ll get certified on scuba – we’ve done some already and enjoyed it – but finding time to do it is a challenge.

Other things that would have been fun to try is the ATV trip, mountain biking, and also renting a jet ski. Having a family of five makes some of those a little problematic.

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