Saturday, August 11, 2007

Clark W. Griswold lives!

The paths go every which way here at Punta Islita in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. But the main path leads to the beach (it's a bit of a walk, and can be confusing).

The signs simply say, "Playa Beach." For a day or so, I thought that was some pathetic attempt to be hip-hop cool by the resort. Given that the capacity for guests is probably 120-150 total, I didn't think "Playa" was the right term for this place. There's very little of that vibe. It's far removed from the drunken pick-up genre of a Club Med.

It dawned on me (at least I got there by myself) that "Playa" is Spanish for beach. Wow, my three years of German in junior high and high school really don't come in handy one bit.

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