Saturday, August 11, 2007

We've Got Rats

Water rats that is. We were up early (there's not much of a nightlife where we've been in Costa Rica -- clearly need to hit the casinos in San Jose for that). After breakfast, we were the first to arrive at the beach.

The girls spent all morning in the ocean, except when I made them get out for a break. So, they went to the pool. (If you haven't figured it out by now, dear reader, our girls are the water rats -- they won't get out unless we make them. Admit it, however, the headline caused you to read this post, partly in hopes of some disgusting story about a resort with a rodent problem. And you thought the Weekly World News had good headlines.)

Our next stop is filled with activities (zip lines, rafting, horseback riding, etc.), but Mrs. Iron Tourist wanted a few days of doing nothing by the ocean, so that's what Punta Islita is for.

We tried to set up a surf lessons for the kids (I had tried it once -- with the ankle issue I have, I couldn't manuever fast enough), but it got rained out. And, the tide was so strong even the instructor wasn't enjoying his free time surfing. He tried it but the waves were too much.

We were going to have pizza by the ocean like we did yesterday, but the rains tricked us. Instead of coming at 4pmish as usual, it started raining at 12:15 -- and didn't let up all day. It sure brings out the frogs however -- Maddy counted 27 of the little guys on our glass doors leading to the pool at one point.

Boogy boarding in the ocean was fun, but frankly we all enjoyed jumping into, over, under, and through the waves more. Mrs. Tourist is happy to read her books by the ocean and watch the pelicans and the occasional plane. With these planes, we would not be surprised if we saw one going in for a landing and then suddenly seeing black smoke (we are NOT rooting for that, mind you, just half-expecting it).

After lunch, during the pouring rain, the girls went back into the water. Everyone else had beat a hasty retreat, but Julia, Maddy, and Torie spent another hour frolicking in the surf. Carol gave up and went back to the room. I was under a leaky thatched roof. Just when I gave up and went to pull the girls from the water, they decided they had been in long enough themselves.

It's a good thing they were wet from the ocean, because the walk back up the hill was during a soaking rain. They wanted to wait for the shuttle -- and I made us walk, figuing it would be faster. So, when the shuttle went past us -- full of dry people returning from lunch -- the girls gave me an earful.

My solace as a dad is knowing that walking from the ocean to the villa suite in Costa Rica during a pouring rain will help build character for them (it's a rough life they live). Some day, they will thank me for it. Just not today. Or tomorrow.

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