Sunday, August 12, 2007

Everybody's Going Surfin', Surfin' Costa Rica (?)

It was raining again in the morning -- the storm that had started at 12:15 continued all night -- every so often I would wake up to an impressive lightning show. Nonetheless, the girls had a surfing lesson at 8:30, so we had breakfast and headed to the beach. Hoping that the lesson was still on. It was

Partway into the land part of the lesson, the rain stopped. I'd like to say the sky cleared, but this isn't a movie. There were a few patches of blue, but the sky was 80% clouds. We actually feel a bit cheated -- we would have been able to adapt to the idea that it rains every day from 4pm on, but this is virtually round the clock rain.

Two years ago, the four of us had taken a surf lesson in San Diego. Julia had done particularly well, and Torie and Maddy had both done okay. Me? Well, let's just quote Clint Eastwood and note that "a man's gots to know his limitations." One of my limitations is my bad, swollen ankle (from a dislocation in 1999) that makes the necessary pop-up move non-existent.

Thus, I was a spectator for the lesson (actually photographer). All three did well -- getting numerous rides and generally enjoying it. But, it is hard work -- fighting through the incoming surf, then getting in position and going. The instructor was good, patient, and encouraging.

(By the way, as I write this Sunday morning, it's raining again. Heavily.)

After about 90 minutes the lesson was over, and they'd all had enough of fighting to control the board (which seems harder for them than the actual surfing part). So of course they ditched their boards and went back in the ocean. The weather was iffy all day -- some rain, some sun, but always cloudy. I hadn't put on my swim trunks, so I stayed out of the ocean.

When they came in to go into the pool, Carol and I walked up the dirt road to the golf course. Some of you may be envisioning resort style golf. Don't. It's a nine hole, par three course featuring AMF rental clubs and pull carts. The advantage of it is that you don't need tee times (the pro at the course told me they get 8-10 players a day) and it doesn't take forever to play (which is why I generally don't like to play while on vacation -- that, and I'm not good enough to make it worth my while).

So we played the first nine on a pretty muddy track (at least it had stopped raining again despite the fact that it was drizzling while on our way up to the course). Then, we headed back to the beach for lunch as the girls joined us. I had the fish Casado, which is the Costa Rican dish that includes beans, rice, plaintains, tomatos, and a choice of chicken, beef, or fish. I think the fish was mahi mahi (it was good, but I never was certain what I was eating).

On the back nine (which is the same nine), we saw a four-five iguana lumber across one "fairway" and a monkey dashing to a tree just off the course near the eighth hole. Plus the trees were full of parakeets (which are pretty loud).

Did I mention it is pouring rain here?

We spent the rest of the afternoon quietly, either in the suite or up at the main lodge, playing some games and going to the gift shop. The girls were pretty tired from surfing. At 4pm it (brace yourself) started raining again. We picked out a DVD (Star wars II: Attack of the Clones) and got room service for dinner. The seafood spaghetti was excellent (Portuguese influenced sauce). Then came the fun of packing.

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