Saturday, August 18, 2007

Costa Rica Favorites

Favorite things to do
Maddy -- zip line, white water rafting
Torie -- zip line, white water rafting
Glen -- white water rafting, zip line
Carol -- zip line, white water rafting
Julia -- zip line, parasailing, rafting

Favorite foods
Glen -- all the seafood, Casados, fried plaintains
Carol -- Casados
Julia -- Beef tenderloins

Favorite resort
Maddy -- Punta Islita
Torie -- Punta Islita
Julia -- Si Como No
Carol -- Punta Islita
Glen -- Si Como No

Favorite animals
Julia -- caiman, tropical bird eating snake
Maddy -- white faced monkeys, tropical bird eating snake
Torie -- white faced monkeys, Stefano the sloth
Glen -- white faced monkeys, all the butterflies
Carol -- wihte faced monkeys, hummingbirds

Favorite things to do at the beach
Maddy -- sea kayaking
Torie -- surfing
Glen -- body surfing, having entrepeneurs sell cerveza on the beach
Carol -- relax and read
Julia -- parasailing

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