Sunday, October 8, 2017

Castro Viladonga Photos

I know I'm posting a lot of pictures in a row, but since I went several days without being able to post any, I am trying to get caught up so the pictures are near the narratives.

One of the two entrances to the Castro.
The gate stone (in the middle of the road) is
a replica, used to protect the original stone,
which is in the museum.

One of the protective moats.

Some foundations.  The moss and slate on the top
is the old way archaeologists used to protect
 the foundation.

Our guide for the Castro.

A picture from atop the walls.

Note that some houses are circular, whilst
some are square.  Square came in with the 
Romans, but some people preferred round.
(Old school.)

The brighter brown top is the newer way
archaeologists use to protect the stones.

The archaeologists.

Doing this for one day would be fun.
Don't think I have the patience for it
over the long-term.

On the left is the chief archaeologist,
while Aner is translating on the right.

For milling of grain.  Apparently these are
very common to find in most of the houses.

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