Monday, October 9, 2017

"Hiking" the Mount of Joy

Hiking up a quarter mile does not sound very thrilling, and yet it was.  “The Hill of Joy” is the area from which pilgrims first spot the Cathedral, still miles away. 

The funny part is, because eucalypts trees have grown, the Hill of Joy actually moved from one hilltop to another in 2009.  What makes it even funnier, most hikers/pilgrims still go to the old hill, and they must wonder what the fuss is about.  (The trees are on private property, and the owner has declined, as is their right, to cut them.)

So, while we could see many people on the wrong hill, our group had the right one to ourselves.  There is even a very cool statue depicting the reaction of two pilgrims to seeing the cathedral (pictures below). 

We lingered for a bit, taking in the view, and posing for pictures.  Then, we worked hard hiking that quarter mile down the hill, back to the bus.  (Editor’s Note: “Worked hard?”  Blogger: I don’t the readers will buy it, but we’ll see who is not paying attention.)

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