Monday, October 2, 2017

Llunch in Llanes

Our next stop was in Llanes, which is a small medieval town right on the northern coast of Spain -- looking out onto the Bay of Biscay.  So, it is ringed to the south by mountains, and to the north by the Atlantic Ocean.

The group wound through the town, led by our leader Aner.  He has an overwhelming sense of fear that we are going to get hit by a car whilst crossing the street.  I think pedestrians move quicker on these roads than cars do.  Other than an overprotective nature, Aner is a good leader and a good guy.

The town is quite charming, with city walls dating back to the early 13 century, surviving towers, as well as several town squares.  Many houses were decorated with beautiful flowers.  We are in what is known as Verde Spain -- Green Spain, where the rain allows flowers and trees to thrive well into October (if not longer). 

We came to the river, which had all manner of small pleasure boats tied up to it.  Llanes used to be a major fishing town, but now apparently everyone goes out on the Bay of Biscay in 10 foot boats to be tossed around.

We had another great lunch, including whole sardines (well, the heads were cut off), which we ate in the Spanish way, bones and all.  (The bones were so small you did not even notice).

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