Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Lighthouse At The End Of The World

After the sacred rocks, it was pretty much downhill from there.  As we turned the corner and got dramatic views looking down at the lighthouse, the whole Atlantic Ocean was stretched out to the right.

After spending a week in Maine (niece’s wedding, with sightseeing added on), I will say the lighthouse did not measure up to those Down East lighthouses.  That’s a quibble on my part, because just being there on the point, with kilometer mark 0 on the camino signpost, was pretty neat.

We had a superb lunch at a restaurant in Finisterre, before climbing on the bus to head back to the San Francisco Hotel Monumental in Santiago.  A nap and a shower later, we were refreshed.  Carol went shopping whilst I worked and blogged.

The group went out for a celebration/final dinner.  Carol was surprised when I started with the Albarino (white Galacian wine), and then transitioned to the red (tinto) for my steak. Best beef of the trip!  After dinner, a bunch of us repaired to the hotel bar for some last time together.  And so it ended; a great trip.

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