Wednesday, May 1, 2024

First Batch Of Photos From Verona

Ugh, Blogger did it to me again.  It seems like every 20th time I upload photos the program switches the order, so the first shall be last and the last shall be first.

Random  pandas at a cafe.

The Devotional Column
from the Middle Ages.

Officially the Alps, not the Dolomites.
Viewed from the top of the Roman Arena.

Another pic from the top of the Arena.

Pretty woman, pretty marble.

From the arena, part of Piazza Bra.
We had lunch under the awning
of the orange building.

The woman in the arena.

The arena.

There are more Roman ruins
still in Italy than there are
payphones, but I found one!

A monument to the memory of those
killed in Nazi concentration camps.

The Alps Fountain with the
Arena in the background.

A city gate near our hotel.

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