Saturday, May 11, 2024

War, Huh, Yeah, What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing, Say It Again.

On our way to the Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio, we saw a large memorial in a gated park setting.  We figured out pretty quickly (it helps that some signs are in English) that this was Milan’s World War I Memorial.  

We wandered around it, taking in the eternal flame, carvings commemorating WWI battles we had never heard of.  There were also lists of Italian towns, presumably from the Lombardy area to memorialize the dead.

The memorial is called the Tempio della Vittoria and was started in 1927.  It was partially destroyed by Allied bombing in WWII, but rebuilt after that war.

From the Milan City Journal, an English language website focus on, well, as the name indicates, Milan:
“The monument is a homage to the architectural style of some of the most important buildings of the city. The white marbles recall the ones used for the Duomo and its octagonal shape has the same sizes of the atrium of the Saint Ambrogio basilica.”
Even though we know little of Italy’s involvement in World War I, it’s still best to be respectful to those who died in war.

The memorial.

Eternal flame.

One of the carvings.


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