Sunday, May 5, 2024

Piazza Erbe -- Verona's Very Cool Square

Oh no -- Bloggers the program has done it to me again -- flipped the photos so they are out of order.

Another of the towers overlooking
the Piazza Erbe.

Verona once had many, many
towers.  This is the famed
13th Century Torre dei Lamberti.

This stone canopy held the
scales with which merchants
measured the weight of goods
they bought sold back in
 medieval times.  Now
it's a hangout for students to,
well, hangout.

Part of another fountain in the Piazza.

A fountain has been here in the
heart of Piazza Erbe for more
 than 2,000 years.  While not an
original, the statue is of the
Madonna (that's Mary, mother
of Jesus, not the pop singer who
is now 111 years old), and her
banner reads "The city of Verona
deserves respect and justice."
.  Her banner reads

One of the many statues on top of a
building surrounding Piazza Erbe.

Random carving on a random building
on the way from the Arena area to
Piazza Erbe, which is the main square
in Verona.

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