Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Whale of a Time

Sunrise over the Kaikoura Range.  
Look at the stunning pink/red sky.

Sunrise over the Pacific.  THAT doesn't
happen in California (nor does rain).

Laundry drying in the Pacific wind.

Our skipper's not vacuuming
the Pacific. . .

He's using a non-invasive. . .

listening device.  Looks like it
is cobbled together from a
closed Radio Shack!

Sperm whale sighting!

The whale clears his throat.  Or throat
equivalent.  Apparently, this crud
is the snot equivalent. Sorry to gross you out.

Whale and snow-capped mountains.
(Why do I keep calling them snow-capped?
You can easily see the snow!)

Next time, use a tissue!

The middle third of the whale, as he
gets ready to dive.

The finishing flourish is the most
dramatic part of the whale's 
visit to the surface.  Thanks for
dropping by!

He quickly slipped beneath the
surface and was gone in a flash.

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