Monday, October 12, 2015

Back to the USA

We had a late morning flight from Cairns to Sydney, so I got up early for a non-spectacular sunrise (too many clouds) and a walk along the beach.  I forded a river that emptied into the ocean, and then saw the signs warning not to go near the creek because of crocodiles -- which made the return crossing a little nerve wracking!
Sunrise, last morning Down Under

Island near our beach 

Fear not faithful readers, I did survive with no sign of crocs.  It's likely they do not come that close to the mouth of the river because of the higher salt water content, or at least that's what I told myself.  When Carol got up and we took our beach walk together, we went the other direction!
Obligatory Palm Trees Shot

On the drive to the airport, Carol spotted several fields full of grazing wallabies.  It wasn't quite a "they move in herds" Jurassic Park moment, but it had the advantage of actually being real.
Proof we were there.  I'm sure it's still there.

It's funny how much easier it is to get through customs/immigration/security than it used to be.  We had no problems getting back to Los Angeles, where we had dinner on the Santa Monica Pier with family friend Erin Vail and her cousin Marissa.  The only problem came when we fly the US Air red eye back to Dulles -- a 40 minute wait to take-off, and then, inexplicably, a 20 minute wait on the ground for a gate -- after a late arriving red eye!  How could they not have an available gate?  Wow.

But, since Julia kindly drove out to pick us up at Dulles, it was a nice way to return from NZ and Oz to NOVA.
The last morning from our beach

I feel a little like Bilbo Baggins -- waiting for our next adventure!

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