Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Some Like It Hot

For those who have been reading Maddy’s blog of her semester in Sydney (and now the New Zealand adverntures), you know she has a few common themes:

Unusual foods, usually involving sugar;
Fun and excitement about being in Sydney;
Traveling around to beautiful parts of New South Wales; and,
Complaining about the cold weather in Sydney.

So, of course, when we spent our time in Sydney, it was 30 degrees or higher for all three days.  That’s 30 degress Celsius – or 90 degrees Fahrenheit.  Actually, 90 would have been low.  The high on Monday was 99 degrees, and of course, in the city is when we did our most walking.

(I know, it’s counterintuitive to walk more in the city than in the country – or bush – but foot was how we got around in Sydney most of the time.)

Sunday I walked 17,224 steps – or 8.24 miles in 95 degree heat.  Monday was 24,005 steps, or 11.49 miles in 99 degree heat.  Tuesday was cool, only 93 degrees, and I got to 26,831 steps, or 13.03 miles.

The mornings were cool, and thank goodness there is low humidity.  Sunday was the most humid day, and we sweated quite a bit – which, coming from cool New Zealand, was a shock to our system.  We did give Maddy a hard time for all of her complaints about how cold Sydney was this winter/early spring – all we experienced was the strong sun and high temps!

Some like it hot (like Maddy), but not Carol.  I was fine with the weather for the most part, because of the relatively low humidity.  Anyhow, as you can tell from our distance covered, we did a lot in Sydney.

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