Thursday, August 11, 2016

A quick stop at the Snake River (foreshadowing!)

After the ATV trip, we stopped at pedestrian bridge over the Snake River for a stroll and beautiful view.

Oh, now's a good time to mention the fitbit controversy!  As I suspected it would, the fitbit gave those of us wearing them (Carol, Julia, and I) steps for the vibrations of the ATV -- I hit about 11,000 steps during the journey, of which maybe 1,000 were actual steps. For the day I ended up with 23,356 steps, of which probably 13,500 were actual steps!

Anyhow, throughout the afternoon, my daughters got angry with me each time I bragged about the number of steps I took.  Given how easy it was to poke the bears on this, I mentioned it frequently.  The great fitbit controversy of Shadow Mountain!


Unknown said...

Is that a huckleberry shake? If you haven't already had one, you should go to the Victor Emporium! Yum!

The Iron Tourist said...

I enjoyed a huckleberry cone at Moo's. At the Victor Emporium, I loved my Raspberry shake! Sorry -- it's my fav fruit!