Tuesday, August 9, 2016

In Honor Of Michael Phelps, the Bolger Daughters Conquer Phelps Lake

So I had to do some conference calls after the wildlife safari, so everyone else slept for a while.  I woke up the groggy Bolgers at nearly 4pm, and we drove over to the Laurence Rockefeller Preserve for the hike to Phelps Lake, with the obligatory 20-25 foot leap off the rock into the cold water.

We saw some deer in the woods (no bears -- thankfully, although we do have some bear spray). and the hike is about four miles roundtrip.  With the mountains in the background, the setting, like all of the lakes here, is amazing.

I had wanted to jump, and even wore my swimsuit.  Alas, with knee problems that may lead to a second surgery, I chickened out.  The girls did not, with Torie even jumping twice -- probably because she went so fast I wasn't ready with the camera!

We missed much of the Olympics because of the hike, but Maddy did call it up on her phone whilst we were still in the wilderness, so the girls watched a bunch of the races.  

We had a great dinner at the Blue Lion, with most of us ordering the lamb, which is the special of the house.  Maddy and I split -- we had bison ravioli and lamb -- so she gave me half the ravioli, and I gave her half the rack of lamb.

With a bad night's sleep (too hot in the condo!) and no nap, I was pretty tired, so I had a hard time staying awake during dinner.  Got home and went right to bed.

Lake Phelps, and Death Canyon

Good fences make good neighbors.
And also last for years and years.

This is one of the mountains above
Lake Phelps. I like the sun effect.

I missed Torie's first jump, 
so I was ready for Julia.

And she's off the rock.

I'm thinking that's a 25 foot
leap of faith into cold water!

Maddy ready.

And entry!

Torie's second go.

Perfect form.

Quite the setting!

Braid in perfect position.

Hair still up!

At the lake front.

The river from Phelps.
Absolutely beautiful.

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