Thursday, August 11, 2016

ATV Adventures, and Mis-Adventures

Tuesday morning we went ATVing.  Carol cooked breakfast, and then we headed out at the relatively late time of 8am to get to the jump off point.

Our guide, Harris, is from Rappahannock County, Virginia, and went to JMU.  He also worked for a year or so washing dishes at the famed Inn at Little Washington.  He's into skiing, dirt bikes, and, believe it or not, surfing.

Carol observed to me, slightly jealously (as am I) that Jackson is a place for Peter Pans -- boys (and girls, such as our guide Chelse) who never want to grow up!  Nobody here has just one job or one sport/activity.  It's amazing not just to see the hikers and runners and bikers and water users and fishers, but also the people training on dry land skis, climbers, and every other outdoor sport possible here.

We drove out to Shadow Mountain, which is National Forest land -- on which ATVing is allowed, unlike Park Service land.  To get there, we had to take a lengthy drive on a dirt road.  Once there, we started out on easy uphill terrain, with a relatively wide road (so to speak), but then got on narrower and narrower trails.

On one downhill stretch, Julia managed to go slightly off  trail and hit a tree.  Eventually the radiator had a slow leak so she ended up on the back of my ATV after we dropped off the wounded one back at the van/trailer.  We then rode back up the mountain for lunch and stunning views of meadows, and, of course, the Grand Tetons.

Everyone enjoyed the ride -- which lasted quite a while -- although Julia was a bit shook up from her accident.  (As will I once the bill comes in -- even with the insurance we'll be paying some coin out of pocket!).

Harris did a great job guiding, and the terrain was so tight at points I can't believe it's considered all for beginners -- with tougher trails for their intermediate rides (which doesn't happen very often).

Besides the views in this amazing valley, the ATV ride was the highlight of the trip.

Whilst Harris was unloading the
ATVs, we walked from the
National Forest to the
National Park for this view!

One of the ATV climbs brought
us to these views to the East.

Maddy looks badass with her dust bandana.

At the top of Shadow Mtn.

Torie chillin' it!

And this shall be forever known as Julia's tree.

Mount Moran

While we had lunch, our ATVs hung out together.

Money shot.


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