Saturday, August 13, 2016

Inspiration Point!

After we got back from whitewater rafting, we quickly changed out of our soaked clothing and headed out to lunch and a hike.

We had lunch at the famed Dornan's patio in Moose, WY.  It's a rustic old place with stunning views of the Grand Tetons.  The food was fine, and we've gotten into the habit of eating late lunches and dinners.

We grabbed some ice cream (for dessert) and water bottles from the general store to take on the hike.

After arriving at Jenny Lake and strategically parking further away than we needed to (won't be my last mistake), we learned that the shuttle boat runs frequently and till 7pm.  Since it was around 4:30, we still had time for our hike.

Our first day's guide, Chelsea, had raved about the canyon back beyond Inspiration Point, so I had been wanting to go.  Alas, I will have to save that part of the hike for another trip out to Jackson Hole, as it took Carol and I a while to go straight up to Inspiration Point.

The trail is only 1.1-1.2 miles long (I love the National Park Service, but they have different distances on every sign.  Every.  Sign!), but it's virtually all up hill.

(Weather note interruption: Just got an email that the weather back home will feel like 109 degrees today.  Here it is currently 45, headed to a high of 70. Bliss.)

The hike was great though -- along the rushing, raging stream that is one long waterfall, then turning toward the mountain.  The final climb to Inspiration Point is a narrow, rocky goat-like path that concentrates the mind to stay close to the mountain instead of getting too close to a straight down drop.  Of course, hikers were also coming down, so we often had to do the dance of who gets to pass on which side.

Not only did we have great views of Jenny Lake, but also across to Signal Mountain, Shadow Mountain, and some of the Gros Ventre range.  

The hike back down was highlighted by Maddy touching the tail of a chipmunk, who clearly was not fazed by people.  It was also highlighted by the fact it was a lot easier going down than up!

We easily caught the full shuttle boat back to the dock, then headed home to clean up.

Shuttle boat across Jenny Lake

Part way up to Inspiration Point

The Bolger daughters looking
North from Inspiration Point

On our way to dinner, we saw a bunch of cars pulled over on the side of the road, which can only mean one thing -- wildlife!  It was a herd of female Elk (also called elk cows).  A few snaps with the camera, and then off to dinner at the fabulous Snake River Grill, where we watched Katie Ledecky lead the American relay team to another Gold medal!


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