Friday, August 12, 2016

The Easy Scary Hike of Death

When we got back to the condo at Teton Village after the ATV ride (oh, probably around 3:30pm), the girls started hitting the shower, everyone was tired, and I thought we were done for the day.

Instead, Maddy rallied, looked at the Jackson Hole Resort hiking map.  There was a short hike around the summit after taking the Tram up to the top.  So we decided to take that (Carol passed, as she was developing a headache).

I overpaid for the Tram -- although the top was pretty neat -- amazing views all around, plus we had the added bonus of summitting the easy way!  Once up there, we found the hiking map and decided to take the trail down to the gondola.  We'd be getting in a three plus mile hike, and yet it would be mostly downhill (occasionally you have to go up the folds).

At the top, we had great views of the Tetons to our side, and the back range to the West.  It was pretty cool -- both the views and the temperature!  Julia did not bring a sweatshirt, but once we dropped below the peak, the wind lessened, and then the sun came on, and it was like a Disney scene, but without the talking animals.

The hike was stunningly beautiful.  We hiked past some of the steepest slopes I've ever seen (and never skied!), including passing below the famed Corbett's Coulier (google it for pictures or, even better, video).  Since we were hiking down, we always had sweeping views down the mountain into the valley below, and of course, across to the Gros Ventre range.  We could see Signal and Shadow mountains as well.  

There were moments of comedy -- walking passed the sign that says -- keep moving, rock fall area!  And so we did.  There were also moments of scary death hiking.  The trail was incredible narrow, and a misstep meant tumbling over the side to multiple broken bones or death, depending on how far gravity takes you.  (It's a good thing Carol wasn't there!).  That portion may have been the slowest I've ever walked a relatively level, unrocky trail.

Once we got to the gondola, we enjoyed the last of the views before heading down and off to dinner at Il Villagio Osteria just a short walk from the condo.  Once again, we watched dramatic US swimming victories on Maddy's iPhone.  Our waiter asked who we were rooting for, and then saw the sport -- "oh, Team USA," he quickly deduced!

The Grand

Looking West from the top

The trail became more narrow.

In a few years, iPhones will
just be an extension of
the hand. 

Objects in the photo are steeper than they appear.

Climb (down) every mountain!

Boulder field

Corbett's Coulier

Craggy cliff

Plenty of scree fields

The gondola base

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