Saturday, December 14, 2019

Climb Every Mountain. . .Search High And Low

Yes, readers, I AM sticking with Sound of Music song lyrics for the title of EVERY post from Salzburg, even if the post has nothing to do with the movie.

(Editor's Note: Everything related to Salzburg IS related to the Sound of Music.  Blogger: Tru dat.)

We rented the car for two reasons -- St Wolfgang, Austria, and Regensburg, Germany.  

After the Sound of Music tour, we basically skipped lunch and headed out to St. Wolfgang, which is a stunningly beautiful town on Wolfgangsee.  The lake is a little over six miles long, and is surrounded by mountains.  The clock tower of St Wolfgang stands like a beacon over the town and the lake -- you have no doubt seen pictures of it, if you have seen pictures of a picturesque Austrian lake village.

My plan was to hit all three Christmas markets in the lake towns -- Strobl and St Gilgen as well.  But the main goal was St Wolfgang.  We drove the half hour or so from Salzburg, found a parking lot on the outskirts of town and hoofed it in to town.

There were no funiculars, but the town IS festooned with the Christmas spirit.  There were lots of lights, but only some where on -- Torie was quite cranked about that!  The streets went every which way, with many Christmas market stalls, beautiful houses, and views of the mountains and the lakes from different angles.  We stayed several hours, but decided not to get dinner there. 

The highlight, besides seeing the clock tower, is the giant candle (electric lights) and stars out on the water (see pictures below).  Another fun aspect was watching some men go around the town, carrying huge lit candles and lighting various candles.  That would be a neat job (for a day or so).

I am struck by the number of stalls at these markets, some are selling presents, decorations, gluwein, other drinks, food, and crafts.  The number of people working at the markets has got to be pretty significant.  It makes you wonder what they do during the rest of the year!?

We went into one magnificent church.  Alas, photos were not allowed, even though most of the handful of people there were busily ignoring that directive.

I did have a fabulous apple strudel from a stand that specialized in. . .apple strudel!  It was awesome!

Our next stop was Strobl -- the town was essentially closed.  It was Wednesday, and I hadn't realized the markets in Strobl and St Gilgen were only open Thursday-Sunday.  We parked unnecessarily on the outskirts of town and walked through the vacant town to the water, where there was an open ice rink, and one stall selling gluwein.  We came, we saw, we  conquered.  And then we left.

When the top two restaurants on TripAdvisor are closed, you know winter is a slow time in these lake towns.

We did not even stop in St Gilgen until we went to the top rated restaurant, which was essentially on the way out of town.  We feasted on more good Austrian food -- it was the best wienerschnitzel we've had.

Wolfgangsee as the sun sets.

The famed clock tower.

Not the most impressive
Christmas tree, but one

The homes in the town are
what you picture when you think
of Austrian villages.

The famous light on the lake.

Another view.

This was about the only thing going
in Strobl on a Wednesday night.

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