Monday, December 16, 2019

Everybody's Going Surfing. . .

When the American professor, Andrew Wilson, who was such an interesting guy to spend time with in China, found out we were going to Munich, he noted that we had to check out the famed Munich surf break.

It's so famous I had never heard of it, but when I googled it, sure enough.  I assured him we wouldn't go, but random chance changed that.  And that was a good thing.

After doing the Residenz Museum and Palace Saturday morning, we were pretty hungry.  I checked TripAdvisor for nearby lunch restaurants.  A highly-rated Italian place caught my eye, so we walked a half mile to Ristorantino Cupido.  We got there at 2 pm, with it closing at 2:30.  We enjoyed a delicious meal.  

During the wait for the food, Carol exclaimed on a guy getting out of a wet suit on the sidewalk!  That reminded me of Andrew's recommendation.  I googled the surf spot, and it was only 300+ feet away -- literally across the street at the end of the block.  

We knew we were in the right spot when we saw the crowds gathered.  It was mesmerizing to watch these guys go one after the other into the surf spot on their short boards.  Some wiped out on purpose to give the next person a chance, while others wiped out the hard way.  It was fun to watch in the cold weather -- in a big city far, far away from any ocean.  

I immediately texted the photos to my cool friends who surf (you know who you are) and sent an email to Andrew too!

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