Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Peak Christmas Market

After a rest in the apartment, we took the long walk to the main Christmas market in Vienna, at Rathausplatz.  "Rathaus" means city hall, although, given the corruption often found in city halls, "Rathaus" should have a double meaning!

Remember, the main reason we were freezing our keisters off in Central Europe in December is not for the sightseeing, but for the Christmas markets.  And so, it was the highlight of the day.

As much as we enjoyed the Christmas market in the Museum Quarter, we loved the one by City Hall even more.  City Hall in Vienna is an architectural marvel.  Constructed from 1872 to 1883 in the neo-Gothic style, it serves as a striking background for the beautiful market itself.

The market is festooned with lights, has plenty of street food options.  (I could have just said "food options" there, but adding the word "street" makes you 1,000 times more jealous!), and lots of stalls.  

To one side of the market is a huge ice skating area, with lighted trees for skaters to speed (or go slowly, depending on skill level).  The other side is stunning carnival, with a ferris wheel, carousel, and other fun rides for kids.  All the trees are festooned with lights.

Meanwhile, up on one of the city hall balconies, there is a chorus singing Christmas songs -- some carols, and some secular pop Christmas songs.  The sound of the singers wafts at all points throughout the market thanks to well-placed speakers.

We wandered around, sipping our gluwein (yes we kept the mugs -- what's the point of coming if you don't give up your deposit and keep the souvenir!), eating bratwurst, and buying the occasional Christmas decoration.  It seems Carol had to buy something for nearly everyone we know!  The good news is, the Christmas stuff is not overpriced.  But, it still adds up!

She has been buying at least one ornament with every city's name on it -- so far Budapest, Vienna, and (spoiler alert, Salzburg and St Wolfgang).  The Christmas market tour would be a great way to fully load up on decorations for a young couple just starting out!

This is our third Christmas with two trees in the house -- Carol had been making the case for several years before I finally relented (with prodding from a National Park Service employee at Appomattox, but that's another story), and it is wonderful to have two trees.  Anyhow, I can't wait to get back home and Christmas-up the house even more!

After a while, my bad knee started hurting for the first time on the trip, so we cabbed it back to the apartment, a day well spent!

Well, there's a lot of pictures here, but I'm trying to convey the festivities, the lights, and the fun of this market:

One of the side entrances to the Rathaus market.

The Rathaus, aka City Hall.

A sense of wonder.

Another look at the Rathaus.

A typical market stall.

Another view of City Hall.

Okay, this will probably be the best picture
I take at the markets for the entire trip.

There were hundreds of these hearts in one tree
(see background of the picture right below this one).

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