Monday, December 16, 2019

Modern Art Goes Medieval

While traipsing around Regensburg, we popped into a courtyard in Haidplatz.  It had a number of interesting modern art sculptures.

Faithful readers of the blog know I'm not a big modern art fan, but I do generally find modern sculptures to be more interesting than modern art "paintings" ("paintings" used advisedly), because at least the sculptors TRIED!

Anyhow, there were nine, maybe ten pieces on display (there were a mess of box-like things off to one side of the courtyard, but honestly I have no idea whether they were a piece of art or just a temporary stack of boxes.  I didn't want to work that hard to walk over to that side of the courtyard and find out.  So, yeah, I walked seven miles that day, but couldn't cross a courtyard to figure out if it was boxes or modern art. 

Apparently I like modern art sculptures more than modern art paintings, but that doesn't mean I LIKE modern art sculptures.  It's like a few years ago when the Eagles beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl, I rooted for Philadelphia, but that doesn't mean I liked them, even that day.  

Well, here's all the art, including my made-up names for each piece:
Wood with red and black on it.

Snailed It! (Actual name is "tiny home" which
is whimsical enough that I approve of that title!)

Transformer (this is its actual name --
I suppose that's pretty obvious, huh?)

Plated Tulip

After a bad day of golf.

Colorful stuff we found in the attic.

ZZ Top

I gave this part of the above
sculpture its' own name: toe fungus.

Late stage Madonna.

This is the other side of Transformer.

Penguins under cover.

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