Wednesday, December 11, 2019

St. Stephen's Cathedral

From Hofburg Palace, we headed over to St. Stephen's Cathedral.  Closed when we were here in 2011, we wanted to be certain to get here this time.  

Because it was Christmas season, people can only wander the left side of the inside of the church.  We took the elevator up the North Tower (not visible in the photos below), and, despite the overcast nature of the cold day, were afforded impressive views of half the city.

I did not really get a good feel for the inside of the church, because the main part was closed, but it's a stirring cathedral overall.

Yes, those ARE Coca-Cola banners
covering some areas of the Cathedral
that are being restored.  And this isn't
even Atlanta! 

Tiled roof with the symbol of Austria.

Love these intricate designs.

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