Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Morocco was great.  If you want to go to an Islamic country that is safe, friendly, and welcoming of others, it is a great place to go.  Yes, we would love to go to Egypt someday, but not given the terrorism.  Jordan is on the list, but only to see Petra for a day.  

We would definitely visit Fez and Chefchaouen.  Would we go back to Marrakesh?  I’m not sure, but only because there is so much more to see in parts of the country we have not visited.  Marrakesh is an excellent choice for any first time visitor to Morocco.  If we did, we would definitely stay in Peggy's Riad -- and get lost finding our way back each time!

Frankly, my view of Muslims improved significantly by learning more about them than I knew.  There are certainly still concerns, but we certainly have a greater understanding of the people and religion than we did before.

What more can I say about Spain. . .it is my favorite non-English speaking country in the world, and having been there four times, I am not close to tired of it.  Barcelona is amazing (although with the political unrest. . .may want to wait to go there again), the North is stunning and historic, with the best tapas and wine.

But Andulucia is amazing.  The food is excellent, the cities are amazing, the mountains are stark and beautiful.  The culture is the best, and the history is compelling.  The architecture is staggering, a blend of Moorish and Christian Spanish.  A goal for the near future is to figure out where we want to go in Spain that we haven't been.

And, of course, Semana Santa is an amazing time to go, as people throng the streets and tapas bars to celebrate and honor Holy Week.  The processions are amazing, but just walking the narrow alleys they call streets (Editor’s Note: Actually, they call them “Calle.” Blogger’s Note: Speechless).  

Our dream is to go back sometime to Spain, and rent a place or two for a month (maybe one apartment in the city, and one place outside of the city like a finca with a courtyard and pool.  And fig and or orange trees.  I’m not asking for too much, am I?

If you are considering a trip to Spain and haven’t gone, by all means, go!  

Well, Glen (you are saying to yourself:) I’ve read all/some/one of your trip blogs, and never do you say you didn’t like the trip.  And that’s why we go – there is so much to see and do and learn that we just can’t wait for our next adventure!

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