Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Meeting Torie's "Mom"

After the Setas of the Metropol Parasol, we headed toward Triana, where Torie is living for the semester. Triana is across the river from the old city, the area was first settled in the Roman area.  It's a very cool area, with lots of restaurants and bars.  Crossing the river, we saw the famed old military watch tower, Torre del Oro (Tower of Gold).  Built in the early 13th Century, it is quite the striking design.
Torre del Oro -- a dodecagonal watch tower
built by the Moors.  Dodecagonal of course
means it is a 12 sided polygon.

We wandered through the Triana market, which had restaurants and foodie shops.  Then it was time to head to Torie's apartment.  We had been invited by her "Spanish mom" (Antonia) for coffee and cakes. 
Torie in her bedroom

Torie towers over Antonia

The moms, just before fighting
over who gets to keep Torie.

Antonia is very nice, and we got the tour of the apartment, including Torie's room.  Then everyone (but me) talked and then had pieces of two cakes/desserts (I did partake of those!).  Antonia only speaks Spanish, so the women all conversed, while I sat there taking it all in.

Antonia's niece was down visiting from Madrid, so she told us (them) about being in the processions.  I did get off a line about them changing the key on Torie.  Antonia's son Kiko sat in for a little bit, but he had been up all night in the processions, so he was tired.

Eventually it was time to move on, so we did.  It was a very nice visit, and interesting to see the inside of a typical small apartment in Seville.

We headed back toward the old city, and had drinks in the cold afternoon right by the river.
The Moorish Revival Chapel
at the end of the Triana bridge.

Another view of the
Torre del Oro

Torie will not be 21 for about six weeks after
returning to the States.  It will be difficult for her.

We were supposed to have dinner at a restaurant at the end of the Triana bridge, but they were not very welcoming, and apparently I never closed the loop on the reservation, so we bailed out rather than fight to pay people who did not really want us there.

Instead we walked into the old city and found a random tapas bar.  Great food.  On our way, we had some great views of the nearly full moon.
Full moon far above Seville.

Even I couldn't blow this shot.

There were more processions, and this brotherhood dressed in purple.  Night processions are quite cool.  Finally we made it back to the apartment and shared one last bottle of vino among the four of us.  Usually I'm a Priorat or Rioja guy, but the bottles of Ribero del Duero that we shared were excellent.

Purple hoods and white robes.

All purple penitents, carrying
big wooden crosses.

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