Tuesday, April 3, 2018

This Hertz You More Than It Hertz Me.

Our triumphant return to Seville was made easier by knowing where the hotel actually is, not where it is on a deranged Apple GPS map.  I dropped the three women off, did an illegal U-turn and headed off to the train station to return the car.

Ah yes, the car that lost a battle with a concrete corner post in Cordoba.  Now was the time of reckoning.  

I strode confidently into the little Hertz building outside the train station to drop off the key.  "Is everything alright with the car," the attractive young Hertz employee asked.  "Well, no.  I lost a battle with a parking garage in Cordoba. But I did buy the full insurance."  (Pro tip: Make sure you are able to utter that second sentence if you drive in Spain.)

She was very understanding.  "Yes, that happens a lot here."  While she looked it up on-line, I noted once again -- "Well, I'm sure glad I got the full insurance," just so she understood.  She looked up, beaming, "Yes, you did get the full insurance.  Sign here."  So I did.  "You are free to go" she said cheerfully, and I skedaddled before she changed her mind.

I walked back to the apartment, totally relieved.  At lunch, as I sipped my beer, I thought happily, "Ain't the cerveza cold!"  (hat tip Chuck Thompson via Mark Williams).

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