Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Trip Favorites

It wouldn't be a Bolger Family Trip without Trip Favorites!

Favorite town
Carol -- Sevilla and Ronda
Maddy -- Ronda
Torie -- Ronda -- I can't pick Sevilla because I'm biased
Glen -- Seville and Marrakesh

Favorite food
Carol -- Iberico jamon, spinach with garbanzo beans
Maddy -- Spinach and cheese croquettes
Torie -- Solomillo al Whiskey 
Glen -- Every Tapas!

Favorite activity
Carol -- Buggy ride in Ronda
Maddy -- Buggy ride
Torie -- The Ronda off-roading
Glen -- Buggy in Ronda

What was your favorite hotel/apartment?
Carol - La Mamonia in Morocco, and the Casa del Poeta apartment in Spain
Maddy -- Sevilla apartment
Torie -- The one in Fuengirola was super nice, but also the Sevilla apartment
Glen -- La Mamonia hotel in Morocco

Favorite thing from Morocco
Carol -- Touring Peggy's Riad, and walking through the medina

Torie -- I went to Morocco so mine was the Blue City (check spelling for me Chefchaouen)
Glen -- The market in the small town on the way to the Atlas Mountains.

Favorite thing in Spain
Carol -- La Mezquita
Maddy -- The streets/apartments/cathedrals/ all around beautiful architecture wherever you walked!
Torie -- It was fun being y’all’s tour guide (Tourin’ w Torie)
Glen -- Walking around the crowded streets, seeing the streets, the cathedrals, and the Moorish architecture.  And, of course, the processions!

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