Monday, April 2, 2018

Monkeying Around At The Real Top Of The Rock

The Spanish city of Algeciras and the
port of Gibraltar from our hotel room. 

Wind power on a distant hill.

When Apple got us lost, at least
it took us through a gate from 1790.

And past a beloved British
telephone booth.

He was here to greet us when we
got off the cable car.

A view from higher up on the rock.

Sun dappled Med.

The monkey eclipse.

Contemplative monkey.

Gibraltar is actually three rock thrusts.

This monkey (a macaque) jumped on this
tourist in an effort to get into her backpack.
She was flustered, but handled it better
than I would have.

At this point, another monkey decides it is time
 to help out, and then pushed the other monkey
off. There was a lot of nervous laughter from
 the watching tourists.

A little friendly grooming.

Pretty cool shot.

I liked the look of floating
so much I had to do it too.

Hence the expressing, "monkeying around."

A cable car.  They are not as easy
to find as one might assume.

The lighthouse at the
end of Gibraltar.

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