Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Another Day, Another Bunch of Human Towers

We took Maddy to Brunch and Cake by the Sea, a place recommended by my high school buddy of long-standing, Mark Ganung because he had eaten at a Brunch and Cake back in the early summer (there are five Brunch and Cakes in Barcelona, with this one just down the street from us).

We got there early, so you could argue against it being brunch, but they still served us anyhow.  The food is fabulous -- Carol and I had gone a week earlier, and we said then that Maddy would love this place.  And we were right!  The rest of the time we've been eating breakfast at the condo, but a once a week breakfast splurge is great fun.

After that, we headed to Placa Sant Jaume for the Human Towers portion of the La Merce festival.  Carol and I had seen the equivalent of the Triple A Human Towers six days ago, but these were definitely the major leaguers.  The towers went up fast, they did not take long breaks between each.

They did a lot more formations than these three;
it was very impressive, but you don't need
to see all of their formations.

Oh, and I'm NOT intentionally slighting last weeks groups in the slightest.  What they did was fun to watch and impressive, but these Castellers had a certain flair for the dramatic.  They went up fast, came down fast, and did not take long breaks between each.

I did joke with Maddy that, along with all the other sports and music they tried, that it's a shame the girls never did this.  She laughed, probably more at me than with me, but that happens to most dads I presume (?).

We headed out before they were done because we had a date with Gaudi. A double date actually.  But, despite the headline of this blog post, the human towers the second time was just as thrilling to watch as the first time.

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