Friday, September 27, 2019

Photos From Sagrada Familia

I'm sorry that these photos do not do Sagrada Familia justice, but all I can say is, you have to see it for yourself to be awed by it!

One of the three doors on the Nativity facade.

Two of the Towers, with the
Tree of Life (and 21 doves).

Fruit high atop the unfinished Glory facade.

Angels in the architecture.

Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus.

Joseph, Mary, and Jesus as a teen, working
as a carpenter.  His right hand is white
because the original was destroyed
during the Spanish Civil War.

Close up of Jesus and his white hand.

The three wise men.

Grapes on the Glory facade.

Mixed fruit.  Absolutely amazing.

Two turtles hold up the columns.

Click on this to see the little dog, and the
shepherd boy holding the lamb.

Now we are inside the church.
This shows stained glass on
the Sunrise side.

The ceiling of the Cathedral
rises into infinity.

Each of the four Evangelists have
their seal (Mark the lion).

And each evangelist (the four writers
of the gospels) have their own 
sculpture symbols.  John is
the eagle, shown here.

The altar is quite striking.

The sunset side.

The photos don't do the brilliant
colors of the stained glass full
justice, so you'll just have
to go on your own.

One of the capstones, soaring 
high above the church floor.

The pillars are representations of
trees.  The ceiling is far above
us.  The majesty of the place is

The Passion facade.  Judas kissing
Jesus, with original sin at his
feet, represented by the snake.

This sculpture of Jesus by
Josep Subirachs is quite
controversial.  On his 
head is a Bible.

A Roman centurion on horseback.  Above him, 
you can see the Roman soldiers playing dice
for the clothes of Jesus.

Part of one of the doors on the Passion facade.

Amazing -- the sculpture was
carved right into the facade!

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